2011年1月11日 星期二

Causal Chain

   Once a causal chain starts, there will never be an ending to it. The story will only keep going and get longer unless being brought to an end. Here is an example of the causal chain: I gained confidence and bought many new clothes and pants because I lost weight. I lost weight because I went to the fitness center during summer. I went to the fitness center because my dad said I was too unhealthy and sent me there. The coach helped me to design a series of exercising and dieting programs because my mom asked him to do so. Mom asked him to do so because she wanted to see some results after paying so much money. Mom paid so much because I worked out at the fitness center of the Ambassador Hotel. I worked out at the Ambassador Hotel because mom was a member of the fitness center there.
     Here is another example of the causal chain: I stayed after school every day because I could do homework with friends. I did homework with friends because it was a more productive and faster way. It was a more productive and faster way because people exchanged their ideas. People exchanged their ideas because they had different opinions. People had different opinions because their thoughts weren’t the same. Nobody had same thoughts because everyone was unique. Everyone was unique and special because we were born this way.

