2010年11月21日 星期日

What is “News” to You?

There are many kinds of media in our societies: newspaper, magazine, radio, digital, and each media focus on different kinds of news. News about public welfare, such as schools, government infrastructures, education, children rights, economy, are emphasized more in print news sources rather than in digital. To the television companies, newsworthy news are those shocking ones: natural disasters, wars, accidents. In order to earn money, the companies have to report news that is appealing to people, that can feed people right into their stomach.  
When I look for news, I tend to seek out terrorist and celebrity ones because they can grab my attention. Recently, I’ve learned a lot about the Taliban in Afghanistan in the International Relations class. After knowing what have they done to their country and to the United States, I found out that I have a strong interest in trying to help the Afghans to restore their lives. Thus, I follow the news about the terrorist organization more often than I used to.
        In addition, I like to watch news about celebrities because I’m pretty interested in gossips. Also, the news are entertaining rather than serious, so reading it is a way for me to relax after whole day of hard work, and to recap from exhaustion.

