2011年3月16日 星期三

Persuasion Examples

According to the definition from dictionary, coercion is use of force or intimidation to obtain compliance, and persuasion is the state or fact of being convinced. I think the difference between the two terms is that one is forcing you to do something, which you’re unwilling to do, and the other one is trying to change your mind via telling you to do other things. I draw the line between being forced to do something and being persuaded into doing it by determining whether the things we’re doing follow our heart, and whether our mind is willing to do these things.
        School bully is an example of coercion because the bullies force you to surrender all of your precious possessions, and they beat you up in the bathroom if you don’t listen to them. Moreover, they threaten you for becoming prostitutes if you don’t buy drugs from them. All of these evil forces make good students fall and become corrupted.
        When buying things, some people might constantly change their minds because of other people’s suggestions. I remembered the experience in which I went shopping with my parents for buying a new schoolbag. At first, I wasn’t going to buy the one I’m using now, but I changed my thought because my mom successfully persuaded me that the one I’m using now is more suitable for me since it has a bag for me to put water and it’s bigger. These two points attracted me, so I decided to buy the one that my mom thought was better.

