2011年3月9日 星期三

Logic v Emotion

Although this quotation is short, it’s sending a powerful message. It makes me feel that pollution is a serious and severe issue, and people have to find ways to deal with it. Moreover, as the environment gets harmed, it could never go back to the way it used to be in the past. I can find the negative connotative word “evil” in this quotation, which associates me to have the idea of that pollution is really bad, just like the fiendish demon is doing hurtful and harmful things. Humans shouldn’t think that they can get away from pollution because eventually the toxic elements build up in the food chain, thus humans are getting the most amount of toxic. A small action which we spray a kind of anti-virus thing on grass, the process of pollution starts. The cow would eat the grass, and in the end humans would eat the cow. When going one stage up further in the food chain, there will always be 10% loss. We not only absorb the energy, but also the harmful stuffs.
        I think Carson mainly uses emotional appeal since her words are so strong and so powerful. The first part of the quotation, which contains the word “evil,” is definitely an emotional appeal because it makes people arouse strong feelings such as feeling regret or sin. I think the second part of the quotation, where the word “irreversible” is also an emotional appeal because people finally understand how bad and how serious the situation is.

