2011年2月16日 星期三

Careful Consideration

  In my interpretation, I would explain the quotation as if people think too much, too carefully, then they would be unwilling to change because they’re afraid. Change is sometimes good, but sometimes it’s also bad. Change is good when a better outcome is achieved. I remembered I used to be 65 kilograms, which was too fat, so I decided to change. During summer, I went to the fitness center every day and spent the whole morning there doing as many exercise as I could. After the two months harsh training, I lost 10 kilograms, and I was excited about it. This was a sign of good change because my body gets healthier.  
   However, there are times when change should be avoided. I remembered one time I went shopping that I bought more than I expected. On that day, I was going to buy one pair of shoes only, but I bought three pairs of shoes in the end because I kept changing my mind when seeing all those stylish shoes. I think I should persist on what I want rather than changing mind since my wallet became empty after I got the three new shoes.
   This quotation could be used in revising written work. Every time when people read an essay, they will feel differently, thus there would always be changes need to be done. Nonetheless, I think it’s not really necessary to change every single time. There are things better be left alone so that the essay can still have some sense of originality.

