2010年12月6日 星期一

Revising and Editing

    After finish writing an essay, we can’t just send it out to teachers or colleges without using techniques of revising and editing. Thus, this explains why there are so many drafts needed to be done and so much time the essay process takes. By revising, we are changing the larger part of the whole essay, which is our development of idea. It’s essential for us to check whether our ideas developed as the way we want, and whether we are sending the message we’re trying to tell correctly. Admission office must go over thousands of applicants each day, so it’s impossible for staff to look at each individual’s essay carefully. As for result, an outstanding essay has to show its significance right away, letting colleges feel that your essay is excellent, and they have to accept you.
   Editing is changing smaller parts of the essay, which is fluency of sentence, grammar. By looking at the essay line by line and word by word, we’ll be able to use the most concise sentence to tell the same message eventually. After reading some sentences for several times, there will be changes made. As for result, this makes the whole essay not only sounds better, but also look more complete. Although the process of revising and editing is lengthy, it’s also graceful because essays we wrote are going into a more wonderful stage.

